Friday, February 8, 2013

On days when we get a good deal of snow fall I'm really happy that I have a Jeep Cherokee. Many of the other realtors and business professional I meet would love to have a BMW or Mercedes, not me though. I believe in Mission First way of life, if your curious about my business mission checkout I get everything done that I need to in this last of its generation Jeeps, made in the US and can handle anything I through at it. So while people white knuckle it hoping not to get stuck my Jeep and I roll through town knowing that we can handle anything.

Monday, February 4, 2013

It is official my wife and I are registered for the 2013 Tour de Cure a 100 mile ride in support of Diabetes research. This is meaningful to my business and my family, as many of them suffer from this disease, while it may not seem to be as life altering as cancer it is and it effects many more people each year. In fact every 17 seconds someone is diagnosed with this disease and can pass away because of complications associated with it.

My Father passed away in October from complications associated with fighting the disease since he was a young man. So it is in his honor we will be donating a portion of our sales until the day of the ride. If you are interested in donating you may go to the Tour de Cure website and donate to help end a disease that has become to common place.