Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cold Calling Nightmares!

So a lot of people work as telemarketers, and try to sell things to people that people never new the wanted or have another source for the item. Well in real estate, as a newer agent, it is hard to get your name out there so one of the techniques used is cold calling, however we aren't selling anything. We are passing along information so that homeowners may choose to sell their house or buyers purchase one.

It is still a little bit of a sticky situation because even Realtor's don't like being "bothered" by cold calls. So how does a person resolve the difference between what they have to do in order to make a living and fighting an aversion of calling people and spreading the information. Well I have been reading a book; The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance and it has helped identify ways to diagnose and treat the apprehension about cold calls and calling people in general.

However, also being a soldier and impatient, I have not taken the opportunity to practice the treatments. Instead in military fashion I had a mission when I woke up today, call 10 people, that is all. I practiced what I would say and I did it! The results are mixed but I was able to leave 3 messages and spoke with 2 people(both NOT INTERESTED). However, I have placed the grain of sand in the minds of those people and maybe they will remember me when it comes time to sell.

I'm often curious if telemarketers feel the same way but they do it because it is a paycheck? Well regardless of how I feel, I did not die when I did it and no one has yelled at me and threatened me so I will have to start doing this more. So look out world you are going to be getting a call from your Mission First Realtor.

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